Thursday, October 23, 2008

Faith In God

'A man who slipped off the edge of a cliff and was desperately hanging onto a rope to keep from falling. He screamed at the top of his voice, "Is there anyone there who can help me?" A calm, reassuring voice answered back, "It is the Lord. Let go of the rope." The man thought about it for a moment, looked down to see how far he would fall. Then he yelled out again even louder, "Is there anyone else there who can help me?'
See here, we find it to be ridiculous that one should refuse the help from the Lord! But human nature is such one has to see first and would base on what one sees. He forgot he should trust God! It is the Faith that we very often lack. Many of us have read the Bible many times and know of the Word of God very well. Yet when it comes to a situation when one has to put Faith in front of things that one sees, one totally forgets about it. One forgets Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Moses and Lord Jesus! These were the people who walked by Faith! Lord Jesus told Thomas:"Thomas, you believe because you have seen. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe." Have you ever been at a place in your life where you felt the Lord was telling you to let go of the rope, but all you could see was how things looked from a logical, human perspective? It is very important for Christians, the followers of Christ to walk in Faith and not by sight!
Dear friends, what is God calling you to do that will require you to step into the darkness? Are you ready with the Faith in God?
--Extract from the Allworship Inspirational email by Rev. Alan Riley, Managing Editor of

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